Saturday, April 22, 2017


"All our screams of suffering
And cries out of pain
As if the uncertainty over self has
Consumed us inside out
Soon turns into a noise, unbearable
As if thrown into a mute and deaf crowd
Deprived off our solitude
Made to laugh off our tears
Which threatens to wash away
Our very existence
We crave for a little of silence
No matter how chaotic
For it feels home to be buried
Beneath our vulnerable longing for gloom
A castle made of our fallen pieces
a grave where we are born and again
For where else we could soothe
The scars we tend so savagely, Alas!"

Praveen Parasar


Sunday, April 16, 2017

Tragedy of Wanderer

Tragedy of Wanderer:

“Once he knew he belonged to nowhere, he was home, in his own abyss, where his narcissistic highs were enough to carry him through the days, unseen, and drunk upon his solitude he chose to gamble with the night. He was a declared outcast, thrown out of his castle of doom. He didn’t disappoint himself with calamity, for losing was his genre and he handled it with ease, it only brought him toasts from shadows he had kept in the dark corners of his skin. While people thought to shame him for the naïve insistence, he was convinced tragedy was not being at the wrong end, for odds are often in favor of that. It was in being at the right end and yet finding others calling their bluff. He never desired to win, for he found a distinct ecstasy in being the villain, one who is destined to lose or so people thought. He felt amused at the thought. He decided to sleep with the tragedy and make it appear like a virgin maiden.”

Tuesday, April 11, 2017


“You must not carry suffering
as the night carries darkness
and the day – lights,
for both are often overwhelmed of their companions
anxious, as if they would belie themselves
you should instead carry it
like a broken mirror carries its reflections
as if enslaved, obsessed, possessed
for it can never stop imaging
despite being wrecked and again
only to tear itself apart upon being seen
as if exposed, mocked, tormented
and yet knowing there is no escape
you must collect pieces of self
trampled down, scattered around

in the ruins of solitude…”

Sunday, April 9, 2017


“Taste of
Saliva, sweat, blood
Spell of
Chaos, obsession, madness
Thrill of
Death, destruction, darkness
Mundane as this life appears
Resentment, rage, reason

upon corpses…”


“Perhaps Love isn’t the answer Perhaps Love isn’t enough Perhaps Beyond the desperation To reconcile Beyond the attempts Of accept...