Monday, May 22, 2017

A world of my own…!

"I constructed a world
Of my own
That could accommodate me
In bits and pieces
I made walls around
to keep it safe
for the day lurks around
to take a bite off and steal
The rest of longings
For It would trade it for few fake hopes
And would walk away leaving behind
Nothing but a trail of shallow promises
I painted it dark, I must
And wrapped it in veil of angst
For only the night to see
The dirty little secret
Of vulnerable solitude
I constructed a world
Of my own
Where I could wear my pretense
And watch myself adorning
every nook and corner
of those enclosed walls
where I could celebrate my fears
and watch echoes of my scream
haunt me, hunt me
but having nowhere to run to
I would fail, fall
Upon my own doorstep, a grave
Built to perfection
Where ghosts of my bereaved words
Would feast upon my corpse
and leave no sign of solace

I constructed a world
Of my own
Away and aloof
In silent alleyways
Of lingering darkness…”

Praveen Parasar

Saturday, May 20, 2017

A Poem!

“What are you
What am I
What are we but a poem
Pieces of it left abound, here and there
Broken glasses, broken
Me, you, us
Waiting to be collected, connected
For it to whisper our cries silently
For it to sing our screams swiftly
A poem, that exists only in oblivious lanes
Of memories, dreams and nightmares
Where we are often left stranded
Awaiting salvation in its paragraphs
A poem which touches our scars
As if its words are to mend, melt us
And turn them into an abyss
Where me, you, each of us
Could find ourselves drowned
In the pool of blood, alphabets
A poem that is made of tears and laughter
Sadness and solitude covering its modesty
Angst and longing showing it the way
While wandering around
Falling and rising
It loses itself in pieces
Until there comes the sea
A reader, passerby
The moon or the night
A touch of whom is enough
To bring us a euphoric orgasm
Bound to be an end
Yet what else could we desire
What else did we desire?

A poem that is made up of
Me, you, us
A poem that dies in
Me, you, us
Leaving behind a trail
Of devastation, destruction
Of warmth and touch
That continues to remind
Me, you, us
Of something that we lost, forever, alas!”
Praveen Parasar


Sunday, May 7, 2017


“Society is the diluted form of individuals who succumb to its exaggerated portrayal of being the force to reckon with, it’s unfortunate that a raw individual is often characterized as a threat to its very existence which sets a sort of panic and it ends up putting their corpses upon its walls as trophy. But even before its celebration gets over they start to haunt its nights and shame its days, bound to be the reason of its culmination, a pity.”

Tuesday, May 2, 2017


“Despite knowing
It’s too vulnerable to survive
For too long
It tries, insists
To hold on to its will
Upon the broken walls
Of logic and reason
And yet when it fails, falls
Face down, flat
It knows it knew
This moment will come
Sooner or later
When it will get to witness
The naked self
Gladly forlorn
While being stripped of
That did stink of


“Perhaps Love isn’t the answer Perhaps Love isn’t enough Perhaps Beyond the desperation To reconcile Beyond the attempts Of accept...