Friday, June 29, 2018

The Tale…!

"The universe
Was born of a big-bang
Or so does the science say
And it was the chaos
That defined the world
For far too long
Before the order crept in
And came along
You, me, and us

The universe grew
Beyond the shadows of
And grew the world, of
You, me, and us
Bursting forth
A horizon filled with passion
Leaving behind an insipid abyss
And came along
The bright colors of hope
For you, me, and us
Utopia, Indeed…!

just like the autumn
announces itself with vigour
flushed with a new found identity
carries itself beyond
the timid infancy of
the romance of summer;
The universe is grown
And so are
You, me, and us

Grown abound
Too much and too apart
For gravity to hold together
The universe waits
For the fall to arrive
And so do
You, me and us
Staring at a horizon
That is yellowing rapidly;

The black holes of void
Have grown too monstrous
Threating to swallow
Fragile pieces of
The universe
Just like the sense
Of you and me has grown
And threatens to swallow
The ruins of us

The chaos defines the universe
The darkness fills its core
The Universe awaits
Another big-bang, while
Rubbles of utopia
Strayed, adrift
Still burn over the sky
Of the dusk
Offering a glimpse of dawn
As if a star has broken
Just for you, me,
Or us?...”

Praveen parasar

Tuesday, June 26, 2018


“The words, seething beneath
Abyss of darkness
And, longing to cry;
Tears often quench the thirst
of coerced solitude
And, the chaos amidst

Saturday, June 23, 2018


“Insecurity devours like termites
The night weeps, passing by
Ruins of a hollow man.”

Tragedy of wanderer

Tragedy of wanderer:
"Even when it continues to drag one down beneath the slop of moments and yet pretends to be the secret lover; loneliness, fancy of a troubled heart, romance set in the backdrop of words, scotch and the ever seductive night, a treat that promises one of a once of a lifetime experience, solitude, an offer not to be refused but alas! It turns out a trap used for ages and it successfully brings another one down even before the flicker of ecstasy could burn out. For the weight of its embrace soon strangles the one without remorse while out of breath one dreams being high and when the bubble of fantasy pops, leaving behind one shocked and shattered, suffocating upon the mirage of solace, screaming to be spared of the punishment meant for the one who falls for the temptations. The end of such escapade is rather familiar, a grave carrying no names but only the traces of chaotic darkness wrapped in silence."

Wednesday, June 20, 2018

Tragedy of Wanderer

Tragedy of Wanderer:
“Survival betrays glory; Glory, for it demands defiance, as if to keep oneself together even if the failing, falling pieces would not fit back but rather are bound to leave behind a fallen castle displaying the crime to the world unashamed. While survival, it demands to override the protocol meant for displaying the honor and chivalry of dead. It rather demands to unnerve the untouched layers of guilt and fantasy hidden beneath the glittering but rotting pieces of flesh and bones. It literally rapes one mercilessly and leaves behind a piece of meat one would continue to loath forever, and yet the hangover of being survived would let one pass through all the mess accumulated around. Survival brings the worse out of one and it never fails to surprise how much darkness could one carry through all those days filled with noise of cheap laughter and hollow enthusiasm, while bleeding through the darkness in silence, watching oneself broken and hollowed, and yet…”

Saturday, June 16, 2018

Tragedy of Wanderer

Tragedy of Wanderer:
“Death is not a need, something to be fulfilled, or something to look forward to for it would bring a change. No even if the change is something one has looked for long time. Death does not fill the void for one, rather it remains a gamble one strives to play simple being overwhelmed of its charisma. Death may not bring what one has been looking for whole life, it may even fail to justify the trap one fell into unknowingly, and yet it lies at the end of all that ignorance. Simply being there, in silence, showing no sign of emotions, neither joy, nor remorse. And still someone lets oneself drown in its embrace, who could tell for what.”

Tragedy of wanderer

Tragedy of wanderer:

“Life! What else, but
Void, devoid of breath
There I watch myself
Die every moment
Crumbling apart
In slow motion
Dreading the voyage;

Death, indeed!
Here I live every moment
Watching it unfold
Frame by frame
In slow motion
Revering the finale
Cherishing the voyage..."

Praveen Parasar

Friday, June 15, 2018

The Gods!

“High on morality
Drunk, lost gods
Carrying lights of virtue
Adrift beyond high ground
Soon drowned in the sea
Of fabrication
Of their own
Immoral as it was
And evil as it turned out
Leaving behind
Startled gods
Screaming for salvation
That remained a dream
Buried beneath
As worse as a curse
Of immortality,
Now they loath the days
Carrying a fake smile
And weep silently through the night
While struggling to keep their sacred wounds ajar
Awaiting forgiveness of darkness
Before their own morality forsakes them
They turned out more mortal
Than they ever realized
Yet, Death remained a far cry
And no one to listen to
Their prayers, screams
Echoes of which
Continues to haunt them
Beyond the grey horizon
Of eternity…”

Praveen Parasar

Saturday, June 9, 2018


“Being an outcast
Warrants discriminations
And obliterations
Just like those moments
That contains
The ghostly existence
Of one’s naked obsessions
Poisoned passions
Asking to be annihilated
Even before
One could investigate
The charges against
while attempting to infiltrate
the holy ground of morality
for there lies faces
as blank as the sky
deprived of clouds
the high ground of gods,
and hearts
as cold as the dead
buried in silence, and
marked sacred
carrying the emblem
victory of light over dark

Salvation is a dream
That nightmares are built of
And chaos is what defines one
Being an outcast, Alas!...”

Praveen Parasar

Wednesday, June 6, 2018

Tragedy of Wanderer

Tragedy of Wanderer:

“While they thought they knew each other too well to look close enough, they laughed upon the thought of either one turning out disguised at another moment, they rather chose to ignore the asymmetry they carried beneath their symmetrical smiling faces. They considered themselves immune to the charge of being dispassionate, for their passion was overwhelming even for them and yet they could not feel the choke the night started to throw at them at random, as if to wake them up while they could not sleep anyway. Perhaps they were immersed in each other’s sweat and curled in each other’s warmth, so much that those hurried hollow touches failed to draw any attention of them. And while that newly formed void started to swallow them silently, slowly, they thought it was them in each other’s arms – careless; being cared for, Alas!”


“Perhaps Love isn’t the answer Perhaps Love isn’t enough Perhaps Beyond the desperation To reconcile Beyond the attempts Of accept...