Sunday, November 19, 2017

Tragedy of Wanderer

Tragedy of Wanderer:

“There are moments which are closer to us more than the others, the music which speaks to us more than others, the night which are sacred more than others and few of those words which appear be the savior, the only one every time we look up to all those words in thesaurus. What could it tell us about ourselves, he always wondered. Does it mean we are more like ourselves at certain moments or it just we celebrate pour exaggerated self at certain moment more than other. This conflict between different aspect of the self was what started to diluting his glasses while he desperately tried to get drunk only to find himself more and more vulnerable and at the mercy of gods, gods he had decided not to romanticize anymore while he prepared himself to rival them. He felt as if begging to words such as longing, solitude, darkness, void, abyss, the night, Oh… begging them to come forward and accept his meek proposition and all he could find were a few of scattered adjectives and prepositions, all in front of a trail of ruins which could have been a castle of words…Alas!

Saturday, November 11, 2017

The insignificant man…


"The insignificant man
Carrying around
apathy abound
Along with heaps of
Angst and hatred
Thrown upon
While walking past
The garden of significance
Carefully watered
Aesthetically implanted
Upon the barren lands
Of hypocrisy, and indifference
Such contrast to notice
Shrill voices
Curses, chases away
The insignificant man

The insignificant man
Running away
Holding onto
Long list of if and buts
And wondering
Confused, hesitant
To add another of the same
Obsolete what-ifs
Hiding behind
The walls of
See-through wants
A little beyond
lies a secret graveyard of
murdered demands

The insignificant man
Must not stop
Being insignificant
even at the danger of
being labeled

Praveen Parasar

Friday, November 10, 2017

The act…


“it’s the night
and one must give up
the act of acting
as if doing something
performance must be halted
echoes the chorus, only
to simply lay down
and act of acting
as if not doing anything
performance must be continued
echoes the void, only
to leave one
at the mercy
of that ever monotonous
hanging at the wall
carrying around the corpses
of time
which appears
to have run out of its own time
desolated and deserted
its screams
in the hollowness of
its own tick-tocks
while the night continues
to grow
into an abyss
deep enough
to engulf the
unsuspecting day
at the other end…”

Praveen Parasar


“Perhaps Love isn’t the answer Perhaps Love isn’t enough Perhaps Beyond the desperation To reconcile Beyond the attempts Of accept...