A Wild Dream!
The waves
rose high and higher
towards me hiding
It’s growing
desperation, feet
Digging away
the barrage of sand
Chewing its
lips in a palpable thirst
aloud my name on
The moment
it saw me coming to its shore
Like a long lost
lover by the dawn!
Slowly the
sun went sleeping
And, came
out smiling moon
along the breezes,
Caring it
like a fawn
It was not a
night of love
A night of
peace, a night of blues
A night to
touch, to feel, to sing
Song of love
while walking along!
It was a
night of bursting lust
A night to
taste blood by the lips
To feed the
soul those burning flesh
Drenched in
saliva, and smell of sweat
As grew the
thrust by
Friction of each
stroke upon!
Grew the
night, moments passed
spread its reign, and
Silence took
over the world,
fell a drop of rain on
Broke one of
those wild dreams
Bringing me
back from a state of trance
Though, still
by its shore, lying along
Watched the
sea swaying with self
There came a
wave towards me again
As I waited in
my solitude, to get drawn!
By: Praveen Parasar
Date: 14/09/2012