Tragedy of wanderer -
“As his own flesh seduced
him, forced him to bite himself and taste own saliva and sweat dripping through
cheeks, his eyes were red already as if dead drunk, he felt high of his own
smell, his nails were already digging through the skin like he did not even
want to wear them anymore. He wanted to be nude, for he wanted to look himself
really close, as if to see-through, his mind was enslaved and had hand and legs
tied as rough as possible, as he wanted it to suffer for the atrocities it
forced on the name of being good and reasons. He felt angry, for how can it be
wrong to love own self. His fists were clinched as he held himself real hard. He
was about to love himself but not softly but violent and rough as if to blow
himself in pieces like a volcano.
~ Praveen Parasar