"Sides that
we must take
And, draw
lines for side’s sake
This one is
good and that one is bad
We must
assume, and dictate
Not as if
just to partake
One goes on
to prove, as if must, and
Defines wrong
and right then and there
Only to fuel
the flares of divide
Who gets to
choose, who gets to decide
One must be
shown in glitters of light
One must
remain behind darkness, and hide
As that moon
amidst young night
One side
must be praised as beautiful and bright
And another
one remains lost in its plight
Rather an illusion,
yet so strong
Makes one
forget where one belongs, and why
For temptations
to choose sides being so high
One loses
ability to see and try
To judge
them on grounds of merit and take notice
Of beauty
belonging to sides, this or that
And evil
residing beneath either and abide
By the rules
of heart, that longs for a flower
Whether it
lies amidst thrones or mud
A rose
remains rose and lotus as such."
By: Praveen