“Devoid of people
Those buildings
As if
vague memories
in its own grandness
Which fails to recognize
The occupants
Sooner or later
Standing still
Amidst the ruins
Where screams of
Trampled nights
And made-up days
Turns them slowly into
A macabrish corner
Carefully quarantined
To keep away
What is wanted no more
Until a chaotic attempt
Of someone
to fill it
to inhabit
the uninhabitable
to grieve upon
to mark it as one’s own
as if a broken graveyard
one digs in desperation
only to end up adding his own
version of bruised breaths
Alas! for
Beyond those hurried recognitions
And forceful recollections, to
those buildings
instead now appears
As if a ghetto
people, wanted no more.”
Praveen Parasar