Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Encounter with Truth

A desperate try
To hide it, to fake it
Like no one is watching
Like no one would ever find
You lie, to none other than yourself
Oh you poor animal!

Your eyes wider, your muscles stressed
Your ears ringing, your hands shake
Heartbeat racing, breathes out of sync
Still you make your lips dance
Bringing an evil smile to distract
No one but your own soul!

You thought you could get away with that?
To fool someone was that easy,
Like telling a kid, there’s a granny on the moon
Shame on you, coward
Beware! Before it’s too late
Before it starts killing you, mercilessly
When you sleep, or in dream
When you awake, or at work
Before your own soul refuses
to recognize you, to forgive you!

You could never make truth your slave
Whether Keeping it decorated, or beneath diamond walls
Neither Make-up nor fancy gold sheet would work
It’s eternal; it is no one’s prisoner
And, once it would start dancing naked
You would beg for mercy, you would cry for death!

DATE: - 27/03/2012

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