Tuesday, October 20, 2015

The Night!

"The night was young and he was drunk, wandering in the darkness, looking for North Star to position him at the edge, to save him from falling over, but where the star was, for dark night had other plans for him. It was seducing him slowly to commit unknown. Isn’t it an adventurous feeling to enter into woods without knowing how to get out and remain lost for ages?

As anticipated he did fall over and is wandering ever since, it is often a matter of that moment when you realize you are about to fall, your sense telling you to step back but your sixth sense encouraging to jump, for you always wanted to fly.
He saw himself falling with the flow, smoothly, no turbulence at all. You do not feel being hit until you actually hit the ground. It happened same way. It was as rocky a surface as hard it could get. Tossed around as if pieces of droplet, one that had started journey expecting to taste the sea, but realities are often different then one imagines them to be. He could only imagine being by the Sea, while dying in that moment slowly.

The sea, he remembers standing in front of it and felling the grandness of it. It made him feel so small, tiny as non-existent. He dreaded touching those water fearing he might get drowned. And then suddenly a wave came and there was he in the water where he could not see, anything, hear any sound, felt none of bruises he received of those curious fishes. He was a lump of meat floating across. It was all so still and calm amidst all those turbulence around. You do not live till you feel the death. He let his lungs filled with salted water. It felt similar to having those glasses of dark rum.

He often dreamt of falling in a pit of snake, dreading to touch them he coiled himself like one and rolled over, but they thought him to be one of their own and started a fight to announce their right over this new one. He remembers their violent hissing at his skin, it felt like acid being spread over his body. His heart was beating as that distant sound of someone playing a drum. He was being touched by thousands of snakes at a time and the poison was melting his body and drop by drop he felt being diluted in the darkness of the night.
Standing in front of the mirror, he often saw the night close and personal. He went close, touched it, kissed it, and saw in the eyes of image. He saw the same night, he always dreamt of, a dark night, carrying a chaotic silence, whispering secrets of light while asking him to follow to the gorge.

Drink another glass, shakeup the scene, wake up, dance to the rhythms, and feel the ever so seductive night."

By: Praveen Parasar
Date: 20/10/2015


  1. 'You do not live till you feel the death....' wonderful imagery - majestic in its scope.



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