"Drunk upon taste of your innocence
I find myself strayed far-off
My beloved existential dilemma
What was I if not a mere piece of stone?
Turned immortal off your inadvertent touch
Carved along the walls carrying sulking gods
Words you whispered while we made love
Turned into poetry, sculptures of khajuraho
And the night echoed centuries of longing
Hypnotized, hallucinated
Only to find myself frozen in your embrace
A rather mellowed end of a violent outbreak
You stayed beside, naked, nonchalant
Moon being the poor witness along with those stunned stars
While the darkness struggled to cover your oozing youthfulness
I grappled to explore you in embarrassed fingers of mine
Watching you slip across my amateur grasp
A dream persists beyond the abrupt arrival of dawn
Your smell still afresh upon the skin, a welcome hangover
Oh, I find myself more alive than ever
The death must wait for another night, and yet…”
Praveen Paraasr