Friday, March 30, 2018


As uncertain, uncertainty could be
Certain of its certainty
as random, randomly
puts forth instances of randomality
as anonymous as it remains
of being diagnosed with
conditions of anonymity
and it between all such juxtaposition, of
to be and not to be
there lies one, surviving barely
holding on to those flashes nightly
and yet the night slips across
and the day marches on
and one still remains
carrying forward the bits and pieces
of self, nothing more than bits and pieces of
you and me, and the dangers of
incompatibility of vulnerability
that lingered within, insistently
unable to explain
and hapless as it would be
destined to lose
and to earn no more than a pity
yet the ferocity, of emotions
and their ability
to grow way beyond
a mere void, or
even an abyss, though momentarily
enough to destroy one
leaving behind nothing
but bits and pieces of lingering
rather orderly
as if a consolation reward
for one who chose to fail
and fall
 such spectacularly
Alas! Perhaps a mere possibility
Of going beyond
Or growing vagabond,
incessantly …”

Praveen Parasar

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