"The universe
Was born of a big-bang
Or so does the science say
And it was the chaos
That defined the world
For far too long
Before the order crept in
And came along
You, me, and us
The universe grew
Beyond the shadows of
And grew the world, of
You, me, and us
Bursting forth
A horizon filled with passion
Leaving behind an insipid
And came along
The bright colors of hope
For you, me, and us
Utopia, Indeed…!
just like the autumn
announces itself with vigour
flushed with a new found
carries itself beyond
the timid infancy of
the romance of summer;
The universe is grown
And so are
You, me, and us
Grown abound
Too much and too apart
For gravity to hold together
The universe waits
For the fall to arrive
And so do
You, me and us
Staring at a horizon
That is yellowing rapidly;
The black holes of void
Have grown too monstrous
Threating to swallow
Fragile pieces of
The universe
Just like the sense
Of you and me has grown
And threatens to swallow
The ruins of us
The chaos defines the universe
The darkness fills its core
The Universe awaits
Another big-bang, while
Rubbles of utopia
Strayed, adrift
Still burn over the sky
Of the dusk
Offering a glimpse of dawn
As if a star has broken
Just for you, me,
Or us?...”
Praveen parasar