Sunday, December 11, 2011

I Kept On Trying, To Write,
                             Again And Again!

One day, when I could not write anything
I tried, and tried hard, again and again
But could not find words to bring it down
On paper, what I felt, was it my emotion, or anger
Or just some stupid thoughts?
Though they kept on floating around
Like a fragrance coming from
Newly opened lips of rose
So tempting yet like a free soul
Impossible to be bounded!

Still, I kept on trying, again and again
Felt a strong thrust somewhere
To scribble it down, I kept on hitting paper
With pen, but it did not come, confused
I felt helpless, broken, I looked around
But suddenly it all seemed going out of sight
Afraid and scared, I cried
Like a child, all alone, felt weak like never before!

Still, holding my pen
Close to my heart with all the strength left with
A sense of not to lose it, at any cost
An urge to bring it out on paper,
To write something, somehow
I closed my eyes, and looked within
This time, to try to scratch it there
On the walls of my bleeding heart,
And, it came, finally some scribbling,
Bringing a sigh of relief
Through a wave of pain, made me smile
Though it did hurt more than ever
I kept on trying, to write,
                           Again and again!

By:-praveen parasar
Date: - 09/12/2011

Monday, December 5, 2011

Bring That Fire Back To Me!

Bring that fire back to me
One that put sparks in my heart
One that left my eyes burning
One that left me feeling like a piece of coal,
Turned red and intense
When came in touch with fire of thee!

Bring that fire back to me
You showed me once
When sun was hiding in clouds, and I needed it
To look around and look within
As they say it nurtures life, and
There were you with fire of thee
Though too immature to understand
The power behind it, went almost blind
In the midst of ultimate darkness
Unable to withstand the gaze of thee!

Still never wanted to let it go out of sight
It tempted me to burn self
More and more, completely,
Confused and amazed, I tried to hold on
And gazed upon, to feel the heat,
To let it make me vanish in soaring flames of thee!

It was unbelievable feeling,
One that left me speechless,
Left me overjoyed even I lost my existence
Existence that was never mine, ever!
And I could feel the heat within
That you put in my heart, and suddenly
The darkness was gone, cold heart had the spark
And, it was turned to a firing volcano
Capable of burning anything and everything!
Oh, How great!
It felt to be a part of thee…

Bring that fire back to me
Want to feel that same again
Want to lose self once more!


Saturday, November 26, 2011

Lets stand for yourself!

Today is going to be a night of rage
A night of hate, a night of war
A night of destruction, a night of sin
There have been ages, it’s time now
Lets burn it with fire; lets turn it into hell!

With evil making room, and goodwill loosing edge
With no sign of life, and dead dancing all around
With airs suffocating, and water turning toxic
With clouds raining fatal, and sky full of blaze
It’s time to stand tight; it’s time to stand tall!

It’s been ages, with a bloody cry for compassion
What eyes have gone blind looking for, and ears turned deaf
Missing whom did you ask for it, one with cold blooded heart?
Oh you poor soul, why this act of stupidity, why being coward?
Don’t you feel shame; don’t you feel sorry even once?

No more! Lets end it for now, lets end it for ever
Lets break the shackles, lets free thy soul
Lets shut the evil shrill with sound of thy holy spirit
For one last time, to a new world
Lets stand for what is yours; lets stand for you!


Tuesday, November 8, 2011

An insight…!

A silent night
With a dim moon light
Away from the crowd, anyone
That could be in sight
I am sitting atop roof, alone
Enjoying a glass of wine!

It feels so different
Sometimes delicious, yet
Sometimes burning
Still I continue, with a hope of help
That people say
It would get me flying
In the air, careless, like a kite!

I am not sad, neither upset
Nor disappoint, but
Feel something missing, yet
Do not want to look for it,
Do not want to ask for it, just
Want to enjoy the emptiness,
Want to touch the blankness
Want to feel the darkness, left behind
Of that missing part, using it
To carve self, I am
Just holding back my breath
To start the ultimate lone race
Once again!

DATE: - 08/11/2011

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Let’s fall in love, again!

Let’s fall in love, again!

The grasses are still green
On them thee walked upon
Like a jovial doe,
The rose petals still shy
On them thee touched thy lips
Giving it a heavenly redness,
The due drops still shining
That came falling through thy hairs
Keeping the scent within,
The divine nature still embarrassed
In vision of thy dusky eyes
Like a deep blue sea,
The breeze still caring the euphony
Of the words thee whispered
Like a nightingale singing
On arrival of spring, but
Eternal Beauty seemed to be
Lacking something, wrapped in
The clouds of sadness,
As a moon in eclipse, and
Thou were sitting along
The river shore, watching the sun
Going down, with tears in eyes
Like a cursed angel, waiting
For thy love to come,
O dear! No more evil wait
Let’s write a chapter afresh
In our story, through this tender winter,
That’s desperate to feel the warmth of our embrace
Come; let’s fall in love, again!

DATE: - 25/10/2011

When you walked by my lane…!

When you walked by my lane
I still remember the footsteps, that
Knocked on doors of my silent heart
Filled it with a swirling euphony, like
Of a hanging careless wind-chain!

When you walked by my lane
I still remember the sudden change
In essence through the air, magical
It was, like a blow of morning breeze
That had come passing by a sleeping rose!

When you walked by my lane
I still remember the richness of colors
All around, through my life of
White edges that was just filled, suddenly
Like a first sketch of a kid, uncertain
Though overwhelmed with fascination!

It’s been long, since you have gone
Memory of you is still fresh, hidden
In the core of my heart, like a pearl
Inside an oyster, that writes this afresh
At every moment, I still enjoy this sweet pain
O Dear! Memory of Thy!

DATE: - 21/10/2011

Sunday, October 16, 2011

She was walking away, still…

She was walking away, still
With a smile on her face
Mysterious, tempting
Leaving it all behind as a trash

She came like a moon
Blue and beautiful, smiling
Flickering her light all around
Leaving me hypnotized
Who felt to lose himself, into
Her beauty and grace

Then came the time
When lights started fading slowly
She was walking away
Into the sheds of clouds
Like nothing happened ever, leaving me
Awestruck, unable to give her any chase

Though it was getting over
Felt clueless, and confused
Desperate to know, Why?
I was just looking at her
And she was walking away, still…

DATE: - 16/10/2011

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Noise and Silence, Within!

A noise within, there’s always been
Every now and then, too desperate
For the sake of silence, even
For a moment, Heart searches,
Through some way, Alien, unseen!

Blankness, There’s always been,
Causing an abrupt silence
Deep within, like a sudden lost note,
In between, the lines of a song,
Playing, on a broken gramophone!

Lost In between the both
It feels dumbstruck and nothing,
But pain, immense, though still wants
To keep moving, slowly to its destiny,
Like a small bird, trying to fly,
Through a storm, violent enough,
To give it a whirl along!

It continues its journey
With a hope and dream, wondering
If it would meet the destiny, ever,
Through this never-ending battle
Of noise and silence, within!


Monday, September 5, 2011

A Curse Upon…!

A curse upon the beauty
Of love, we seek return
For our emotion, knowingly or
Unknowingly, what a pity!

It suffocates, under our insanity
Tries hard, to stay alive beneath
Our falsehood, unlucky
It dies amateur, O Dear!
Un-blossomed, dry
Meeting its destiny, with
A silent cry, slowly!

Leaves behind its rubble, and
We stranded, dumbfound
Look for Compassion, and cry
Missing it miserably and try
To get it back, though
Once lost, it never returns, and
Alas, we await its mercy!


Friday, September 2, 2011

Memories of You!

Memories of You!!!

A war within
Intense, frightening
Not to lose, but
To win, somehow
It seems hard
Soul sucking
To the core of
Heart, who fails
To feel anything
Even now
Like numb nerves
Though it’s been
A past already, buried
Under the feet of
Ever running, fast moving
Time, even who
Failed to
Heal its wounds, and
It cries in agony, knowing
It is standing
At the losing end
As ever, still missing
Any sense of penitence
I was just trying
To erase
Memories of you!!!


Monday, August 29, 2011



Train Train
A journey through train,
It goes through hills
It goes through plains
It goes through fields with
Golden grains,
It passes through
Dark and lights, or
Up and downs
With same mission
To take everyone to
Their destination,
It takes along all
But no shame
For her everyone
Is same,
Every time
I do a journey through train
It gives me a lesson
To put my life
On a better lane.

BY:-PRAVEEN PARASAR               

Friday, August 19, 2011



A fear in heart
Of losing the game of love
Being left alone, or
To go blank emotionally,
Sometime Makes me weak, and
Makes me do; what
Would make you, my love, happy!
I say, I love you
I do not feel it anymore,
I say, I do not want to lose you, but
It does not excites me
To be with you anymore,
I say, I love to be with you
Though I feel suffocation only when together
Oh Dear! Is it only me or you too or
Only our dying love!


Monday, August 15, 2011


Early Morning
A walk down the road
A group of kids
Innocent, full of energy
Keeping their head high
Weaving tricolor
To celebrate, Independence Day!
Of course kids were
Unknown, unable
Even to understand
How important it is,
Who made it for them, or
What does it mean to be independent?
I just walked across
But suddenly, felt
A bit confused,
Over the questions, thought
If even, we
The capable people of India
Are able to answer these?


Sunday, July 3, 2011

In My Loneliness, I search…!

In My Loneliness, I search…

In my loneliness
I search
For a face
That keeps coming, and
Floats across
My eyes, every time
Even I keep them close,
I search
For a voice
Whose euphony
Keeps my ear soothing
Even though
It is so silent
All around,
I search
For a touch
That keeps giving
Me, sensation
Even when
I feel my nerves numb,
I search
For the scent of a body
which keeps making
Me crazy
Even if I stop breathing,
In my loneliness
I search
For you and
Only you, my love!


Friday, July 1, 2011

When You Were Gone!

When You Were Gone…!

You were gone
Leaving me
In that dark night
Letting me
Just like a blow
Of wind
Passed by
My whole life
Turned darker
Then ever
Darker then
That night itself.


Saturday, June 18, 2011

Gurus, Politics, Corruption and India!

     Gurus, Politics, Corruption and India!

Well, the reason I am being forced (???) to write this article was nothing but news on my Facebook wall that says there was a collection of around 98 kg gold, 307 kg silver and around 12cr in cash (not to forget it took more than 36 hours to count these…GOSH!) from holy man’s ashram! My goodness, even Swiss bank would be feeling shame for a while now but what’s surprising is that now I do not feel this news shocking with the kind of allegations the holy man were facing for a long time( remember a very famous documentary by BBC). Anyway, I am not going to do another research on Baba in this article, it was just for a start being latest in the series of such revelation news on various Babas all around.

Just few days back we have seen another famous figure a yoga guru; (as per actress Sonam Kapoor sexiest homophobe! Gosh Please!), Giving details of his accounts and wealth, which was something around 1100cr, (not to forget his wonderful island in Scotland gifted by one of his follower there). We also have another figure who teach some of richest people the art to live better; having a big follower list all around, well I do not have exact details of his wealth but this is very clear that he is as rich as his other friends in the line are. Sure, He does charity but there is a price for that and of course, his teachings are not so easy to be availed by an aam adami (general public). None of them let their charity or help go in public for free or even if to some extent it remained to a negligible amount. Nothing wrong in calling them intelligent No-MBA successful businessperson, who know how to sell. Now the point of writing all of this definitely not to be misunderstood as that I am here to write against all the So-called Guru in India. The main reason here that is making me to think is if some so respected figures who call themselves Mahatma are having such kind of account and assets than until what extent; it is going to be successful as well as appropriate that they are asking Govt. to bring back black money from Swiss bank or doing campaigns against exceptionally growing corruption and scams in India. No doubt in India Corruption has reached almost to a state where it is difficult to get out of it. Moreover, problem is not only that it’s the dirty politicians or dishonest industrialist or Corrupt IAS, IPS officers or a simple govt. employee in a small office asking for a mere hundred bucks for a signature to an illiterate villager, its all of us in one way or other.
Last few weeks we have seen a number of campaigns and high drama activity in the country getting attention as well as support from most of the part of country and world against corruption and fast movement was one of them. Unfortunately instead of remained focused against corruption, it all got distracted for their smaller issues. Instead of keeping it a movement against corruption, it became or remained a publicity stunt. No doubt, the government is responsible to larger extent for this entire situation; but just saying that present government is solely responsible for all of this and all outside the power are honest, how much true that sounds?. When you ask them are they sure what they are talking; there answer comes as if you need to choose better from all bad, you need to choose least bad( as some of my friends keeps arguing with me). C’mon, so should we accept that there is no one whom we can call honest leader out there, what a tragic statement. Then there is no surprise whoever gets a chance to rule try to make maximum money they can because they are afraid they might not get second chance. If we are really aware why would we vote to a person who is already a criminal or convicted. However, we do with the same excuse, just because our court takes time to give final hearing in a time enough for them to complete some couple of terms very easily. Moreover, it has remained an ill fate of Indian politics that we have one of the largest lists of names in the power that all did the corruption but smallest list in terms of how many of them was convicted. Not even least, shockingly it is blank. No surprise politicians gets a feeling that they can do whatever they want, in whatever way they want. In addition, who will not follow them, would get the punishment as being convicted. How easy it is to believe that Corruption in events like commonwealth game took place just in knowledge of one man and none of the lawmaker above him was aware of it. According to Swiss bank details 2006 the amount deposited is more than entire world’s black money (INDIA $1,456 billion, RUSSIA $470 billion, U.K. $390 billion, UKRAINE $100 billion, CHINA $96 billion) this shows very clearly that something is very much wrong with the whole system here.

Another point is the kind of mentality we Indians have and that is to keep ourselves limited to our very personal lives and not try to take lead steps. Of course, if someone else takes, then we may follow him blindly. We say at present time situation is changing, politicians cannot get away after elections, public is aware of their power and anytime through various campaigns we can hit them. Sounds good, but are we really? Not exactly, instead we are just becoming more like sheep that keeps following their leaders without putting any question. I might get opposed here by many of readers that this is not true but please if we look at few of the campaigns in last few weeks or months in our country and various parts of world and compare it, everything would be crystal clear. There happens some sudden rise of various self nominated leaders of general public, good enough but then instead of making it a public campaign it starts to become their personal stuff, where they keeps it in a way they want. Of course, we are good in following our leaders always, whoever it is. Now look at two of the most talked campaign, one by a retired ex-serviceman and iconic figure Mr.Anna Hajare, certainly, what he started was a brave and welcoming stuff. Then there came another public figure Baba Ramdev, who too started a separate similar campaign, not to forget in a more aggressive manner than his counterpart did. C’mon, if you all are talking about same thing why not to join a campaign, which is already in progress, and make it stronger. Well certainly, they would be having their own reason. Most surprisingly, both of them got separate crowd of followers and supporters too. Unfortunately latter’s campaign met an ill fate when first local police took them at hit list after some initial warnings and then Baba has to break his fast sighting his bad health without getting any success in terms of their cause of this campaign. And then they came with a so childish statement that next time for such situation they goanna prepare a new army of their own trained followers! Now look at some similar campaigns against the government in other parts of world most recently in Egypt, and similar countries. No doubt, they were huge movements by public too but you never heard separate names becoming separate leaders of the crowd there, and leading them in various ways. They all knew their goal, their reason for doing campaign and they all remained together until last. None of them kept on giving interviews on various televisions until they got their result. All I am trying to say here if you want to make such campaigns successful, you need to be together, you need to be clear with what exactly everyone wants, instead of just making it a one man show. If so, I wonder if that ever going to work.

The point is what we want really, to stop corruption or just to follow someone because he seems doing something good. The reason why I am telling this is that after looking back at various campaigns and movements by various organizations and personality in recent times, it doesn’t seem having a clear vision of what exactly we want to achieve through this. Just threatening a government to act else there would be another movement of similar kind, cannot be a solution of corruption in long run. You cannot keep on sitting on Fast every time you get news of some wrongdoing. Instead, it needs to be resolved in a far matured and constitutional way. You need to amend rules, you need to be strong enough to take action even against one of most powerful personality and this all can happen only and only if entire public would stand in support and put their efforts.
We need to accept that we have been negligent too to a large extent that took situation to this level limiting ourselves in our very own lives, profit making and why do I care attitude. We need to take responsibility and instead of putting gun on other’s shoulder anymore, we need to hold it on our own and till it doesn’t happen we never going to achieve the desired so called corruption free country.


Friday, June 10, 2011

The Love!

The Love!

To say or not to say
To ask or not to ask
That has made me go weak
Brought me to a state
Where I feel incomplete
Is it your lovely smile
Or your cute face
That has done
A kind of magic on me
Oh dear!
It is really a sweat pain
Just want to know
If this is what everyone calls
To be in love, The Love?


Note:-Dedicated to my sweat n Shy Bro (Abhishek Kumar Jha) for his immense love toward his lovely n cute Fiancée Neha jha. May god give you both one of the happiest relationship.

Sunday, June 5, 2011

The Sea!

The Sea…!

Like giving
A competition
To the sky,
Like a child’s
Like hiding
Loads of secret
While, when angry
Takes away
That comes
In its way,
It is silent
Like keeping
Whole world’s pain
And me
Sitting by its side
What it takes
To be like
The sea!


Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Love Then and Now…

Love Then and Now…

Oh dear!
When we met
Some years ago
We fell in love
So deeply
We loved each other
So much
We had all the time
To make love
With each other
Coz we had nothing
Like Television and mobile
To keep us apart
Even for a second
Not even friends
Just you and me
But now
When we have
Television and mobile
Friends and parties
We enjoy
All of this
Just a change
Now we both have
No time for each other
And one common question
Sweetheart, do we still love each other?


Thursday, May 12, 2011

What Is Life?

What Is Life?

We Eat
We Sleep
We Work
But, is that life?
We Pray
We Worship
We go Temple
But, is that life?
We Try
We Cry
We Die
But, is that life?
We Dare
We Dream
We Struggle to get it
That is what
I call life.


Saturday, May 7, 2011

The Journey

The Journey

All dark around
With open wounds
When life seems going tough
Just close your eyes
The days, when
Your parents suffered
Every bit of pain
To make you stand
And live, with
Happiness all around
They never complained
Your unnecessary demands
But, fulfilled them,
Even, if they had to suffer
Even, if they had to skip
Some of their own happiness
For sure
This would give you
A ground
To stand again
To continue
Your fight, your journey
Towards your destiny
And once you get there
It would be them
Happier than ever,
Happier than anyone else, reason
They know
Now their children
Would not have to suffer
The pain, they suffered.

DATE:- 07/05/2011


“Perhaps Love isn’t the answer Perhaps Love isn’t enough Perhaps Beyond the desperation To reconcile Beyond the attempts Of accept...