around as a bee upon flower
It hums, it
kisses, it hugs, it sings
It watches
me watch it speak and stammer
I hold onto
its hand, I ask it to be seated
It feels
shy, feels rejuvenated as it is,
I watch
colors come and go off its face
As clouds
hover across brightened sun of this day
Love at
first sight, or sight of first love
For as we
sit across and watch us glow
Listening to
the birds sing and joyous wind blow
Pleasant as
it appears and beautiful as it seems
I wish it to
stay, I wish it never to end, but
If it has to,
let it be slow, let it be slow
Slow as two
lovers tread before departing
Through the
alleys, stopping by at every wall
At every
nook and beneath those lamp post
Who witnesses
their joy of being together,
And fear
their separation in the shade of its dimly lit avenue
That elongates
and takes them back to the corner of alleyways
Alleyways that
would keep them safe forever in memories
Memories that
would bring them, and again
They would
walk past those spots with love
Love, as
young and bright as this Sunday of youthful summer
Sunday of
this youthful summer
Glowing of
its colors and brighter
Of its joy,
of holding hands in hands, with
Me, I anticipate
myself the chosen one
For lying in
its lap, I watch it laugh and glare
Upon, I watch
it watch me playing with its feathers
Feathers of
days gone by in hurry, leaving behind
A trail of
scars, scars that shine, and appear
As if
flowers, flowers of spring that blooms
To welcome
summer, summer whom I carry
In my eyes, in
my heart and make love with,
Today, this
day, this Sunday…"
By: Praveen