Friday, November 20, 2015

Tragedy of Wanderer

Tragedy of Wanderer:
“Imagine being locked in a dark room with no sound, how do you exist there, how would you or could you prove your existence to anyone including yourself. For there your body does not exist, your sense of self remains lost in the deep abyss of your mechanical mind, and all your ideas about life and death remains at large wondering of an escape. But, escape to where, being in n universe filled with dark matter all around, what it is if not a mere illusion carrying a matchbox. For at the end you would have to enter into reign of darkness, where nothing exists but consciousness – of being, not physical but metaphysical abstract. Where either you are connected to everything or you do not exist. Where all attempts to take over through mechanical invention are bound to fail amidst noisy chores of continuous attempts of proving oneself superior while trying desperately to control not knowing whom. Such has been tragedy of our existence; We were given ability to create, we mastered ability to destroy. We were taught to learn, we mastered art of manipulation. We were gifted with reason, we mastered pretention. Alas!
Though question would still arise what brought inside such huge dark room? May be nothing did or maybe it was always there; we just made up stories to convince ourselves of our intelligence and superiority deriving conclusions that were never there, and what else but only to make a fool out of ourselves.

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