Saturday, October 17, 2015

Carpe Noctem!

“Being prisoner of own thoughts
He deserved to lose, laughed upon
For the night had watched him
Far too long; attempting to pretend.

A game he knew he would not win
Yet he gambled his soul
Only to be chained and put behind walls
Where darkness rubbed his wounds with salt

Wounds he had left open for too long
It had corrupted the flesh and bones
While pretending to save his soul
Only to gamble it away, like a ruined memory

Memory, what else made him
Stand to look in eyes of self, as if
To judge and give a verdict upon
Crimes he committed only he knew about

Self, wretched one, remained silent
Probably it knew being guilty of pretension
One he had been running from for ever

But, only to be caught red-handed, alas!”



“Perhaps Love isn’t the answer Perhaps Love isn’t enough Perhaps Beyond the desperation To reconcile Beyond the attempts Of accept...